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Greetings Fellow Human!!!

It pleasures me to learn that you have taken an interest in me. In this part of the website, I express myself and invites you to take a glimpse into what I am, and what makes me tick.

My Story: About Me

Once upon a time....

Life Story

I was born in India to a middle-class family comprising a teacher mother and a CAD designer father. My father is an expatriate and I emmigrated to Saudi Arabia at a young age of two. I was home schooled until fourth standard by my parents. After my tenth, I returned back to India and did my Higher Secondary in Kannur. Later, I pursued an Integrated BS-MS in Physics from IISER Thiruvananthapuram. Currently, working as a project assistant at IISc Bangalore.


I am an ENTP Hodophile with a penchant interest to meet new people, Tech cognoscente, Anime lover, geography and history pundit, and a language and culture admirer.

Research Journey

This journey of mine began pretty early in my life. Love for science and math with thirst for knowledge were my driving force as I navigated myself through a school system that valued marks over knowledge when a rebellious me valued the other way around.


At IISER, I was fascinated to be part of the research community and finally found myself at home. I had several interests and was worried that I couldn’t pursue them all. In a quest to find out my cup of tea, I decided to try out various fields and interact with as many people as possible. As a result, I ended up doing projects in varied fields across subjects such as Hematopoetic stem cells, Group theory, DNA sequencing, Organic chemistry and material science. Through that journey, I realized that interfaces shared by Biology with Physics, chemistry and materials is where my heart lies.


Currently, I am working to unravel mysteries that lie within membrane biophysics and viral membrane fusion.

My Story: List
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